
导读 大家好,小空来为大家解答以上的问题。utmost的意思,utmost这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Upmost vs utmostWhen you


1、Upmost vs. utmostWhen you need an adjective meaning (1) of the highest or greatest degree or (2) most extreme, the word isutmost. When you need an adjective meaning situated at the top, highest, or most upward position, the word you’re looking for is upmost. The latter is an old, almost archaic word that now mostly appears where writers obviously mean utmost.ExamplesUtmostClearly, the Panthers are doing their utmost to entice people to visit the rink. [Regina Leader-Post]You can feel that the developers thoroughly enjoyed their work and each step was made with the utmost care. [Battle Creek Enquirer]UpmostAfter reversing the door, the operator shall return the door to, and stop at, the full upmost position. [Code of Federal Regulations, LSA]Which is correct?The security of clients’ personal information is of _______ importance.a. upmostb. utmostAnswer: bExplanation: I learn so much writing this blog! I’d seen upmost online before but never suspected it was a real word until I looked into the matter today.Utmost is an adjective meaning to the greatest degree. Nothing could be more important.Upmost is an archaic variation of uppermost, an adjective meaning in the top position, like the top branches of a tree.I suspect that 99% or so of instances of upmost should be utmost. I think I’ll have a poke around online, when I get a chance, to see what I can find out. In the meantime, though…Tina Blue writes about distinguishing upmost from utmost:The word upmost is actually a form of uppermost, and it does not fit into the same sort of sentence that calls for utmost. In fact, you will seldom find it at all in modern American usage, though I do not know whether that form is still common in British English.Uppermost means in the highest or most prominent position, power or rank,EXAMPLES:~Uppermost in his mind were the risks of doing business with such a crook.~The sweetest fruit was found in the uppermost branches.In other words, be careful not to use upmost (position) when you mean utmost (degree), and if you should decide that upmost is the word you actually need, you should probably consider substituting the more commonly used uppermost.。



